The above film was created by Jason Carter, a journalist hailing from Colorado Springs that works for Channel 13 KRDO. The film features Colorado Storm players and coaches. The film contains interviews and beep baseball action!
Michael Jackson Beep Ball Video
The above YouTube video was created by the Colorado Springs Independence Center. It features Colorado Storm player Michael Jackson and pitcher Jon Walker connecting on an impressive hit and run! Article: Keep Your Ear on the Ball
The Colorado Storm was featured in the above ESPN article documenting the experience of the 2017 Beep Ball World Series. The article contains lots of photos and videos of the Colorado Storm in action!
9 News Video: In the Make a Difference Suite
As part of our partnership with the Colorado Rockies, we were graciously allowed box seat tickets to a Rockies game. At this game, Denver's local channel, 9News, covered the Storm and their results at the 2017 Beep Baseball World Series.
Denver Post Article: Power of the Beep
This 2006 article chronicles the toughness a player must have to be a beepball player. It features several action shots of Colorado Storm players and quotes from several players. Most of the players interviewed are still members of the CO Storm.
Denver Post Article: Olympic Day
The above article documents the 2017 Olympic Day at the Colorado Center for the Blind in Littleton, Colorado. Several members of the Colorado Storm volunteered at the event to teach beep ball to the participants.
A Blind American Baseball Star
This New York Times article recounts the story of Ethan Johnston’s life, a player for the Colorado Storm. It starts with his childhood in Ethiopia and walks through the story of him coming to the United States and playing beep baseball.
Welcome to the Colorado Storm
BEEP Baseball Team